Know Your Holiday Shopping In The Spring + Summer

Ecommerce holidays are like no other. As we've shifted out of winter, more retailers are finding more value in the events that lie in the warm spring and summer months. Now's the time to put together a targeted plan for the seasons ahead.

At Digital Retail Partners, we stress strategic planning and being as creative as possible to drive new customers or clients to your online store. Putting together an eCommerce holiday calendar based on what aligns with your business can make for a more profitable year. 

We highlight a list of shopping holidays and events that should be on your radar!


Mother's Day


Mother's Day is widely celebrated across the world in May. In the United States, it drives a significant revenue each year. Heartwarming campaigns celebrate the special women in customers' or clients' lives. It is an excellent opportunity to get creative with ads and marketing.


Memorial Day

MAY 30

This federal holiday honors those who've lost their lives serving in the United States Armed Forces. Given what the day signifies, make sure any sales or promotions have an appropriate tone and message before going live.



Graduation Day is an exciting time for both the student and their family! The ceremony commemorates their hard work and dedication. Retailers should keep graduation season in mind regarding formal apparel, gifts, and even party supplies. 


Father's Day


After Mother's Day, Father's Day is the second most heart-warming holiday. Brands encourage memorable campaigns that strike the audience's emotions and leave an impact on those that plan to honor the men in their lives. 

Independence Day


When the 4th of July draws near, fuel your promotions with patriotic spirit! Independence Day is an annual celebration bringing family and friends together for barbecues and fireworks. Most businesses can participate whether they sell a product or service. Make sure that it captures the essence of the day.


Amazon Prime Day

Prime Day is the holiday to mark on your retail calendar. This year will mark the eighth time Amazon does the two-day "deal extravaganza." Prime Day brought in $11 billion last summer, and Amazon is expected to surpass last year's revenue this year. Everyone in the digital eCommerce industry has benefited from this holiday, as it drives more customers and traffic online.

Back To School Sales


By mid-summer, retailers are preparing for the back-to-school season. It's a time of new beginnings for elementary school, middle school, high school, and college students. If you sell back-to-school supplies or apparel, this is undoubtedly a holiday you don't want to miss. On average, educators and caretakers spend over $37 billion.

Tax-Free Weekend


Designated tax-free weekends are an incentive for everyone. It provides an opportunity for state residents to save money on purchases - especially in the wake of a new school year. It also boosts traffic to local retailers in the area. Dates vary depending on location.

Labor Day


Today is more than a day to wear white and curate social media posts. It honors the economic achievements of American workers! This federal holiday signifies the end of summer while encouraging retailers to start thinking about the heavy hitters: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, and Christmas. Think of what you can do to elevate your eCommerce business before the seasons change.


