Meet DRP Marketing and Production Assistant, Sophie Psuik


Can you share with us a little bit about yourself?

I’m Sophie, and I’m DRP’s Marketing and Production Assistant! I started out as an intern in January of 2023. I have several different hobbies I’m quite passionate about, and I am a huge animal lover!

What was your first job? What skills from that job do you use today?

One of my first jobs was in a local elementary school assisting with different classroom duties. I absolutely loved it! Building rapport with students and teachers, coming in with a positive attitude, and being able to change my approach when things weren’t working were all crucial aspects of the job. I still use many of these skills on a daily basis.  

What do you most enjoy about working at DRP?

At DRP, I feel like everyday is an opportunity to learn something new. Since I started here I’ve had the opportunity to learn so many different things, firsthand from experts in the field. From brushing up on my writing skills to now learning website production, it’s been a constant learning experience I am very grateful for! 

Tell us about someone who has inspired you or helped you along the way? How has that person impacted your work today?

Several of my professors at Stonehill College provided me with support, guidance, and encouragement. Their encouragement not only boosted my confidence, but also helped me to see the legitimacy of my hard work. I still think about them often! 

What is something you wish you’d known before entering your line of work?

This can probably go for any industry or line of work, but I didn’t realize just how competitive securing a job would be after college. There are so many people with great resumes and experience in this field, I felt like it was incredibly hard to stand out. 

What are three things you like to do outside of work?

  1. Running 🏃‍♀️ I swear, running is the only thing that keeps me sane! I’ve done several 10ks, but I hope to accomplish either a half marathon or a full marathon one day. 

  2. Dance 🩰 I danced competitively while in school, but as I’ve gotten older I’ve gravitated more towards teaching and choreographing.

  3. Travel ✈️ I love to experience all of the new people, cultures, and foods while exploring a new place.


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